Browser Support Policy

To better meet your needs, UL PureSafety uses statistical data from web visitors and registered users, rather than generic industry data, to identify the browsers used by our target audience. We regularly review this data to determine which browsers to support.

Supported Browsers

UL PureSafety validates against and supports the following browsers:

  1. Chrome (latest version)
  2. Internet Explorer (10, 11)
  3. Microsoft Edge
  4. Firefox (latest version)
  5. Safari (mobile only)

Other browsers might also work, but we do not attempt to resolve problems with browser/platform combinations other than those listed above. Browsers that have been developed to comply with the W3C guidelines and specifications, including mobile browsers, should operate successfully.

Resolving Browser Issues

If you are experiencing a problem using one of the browsers we support, click Check My System for assistance. If you are experiencing a problem on an unsupported browser, the issue might be resolved by moving to a supported browser.

Check My System

Below is the information for your current platform, browser and plugins. Check to make sure your system meets our System Requirements and Supported Browsers.

Browser Information
Browser Name
Browser Version
Browser Supported
Style Sheets
Java Script
File Upload
Popup Blocker Check popup blocker

User Information
Proxy Server
Screen Size
Broadband Connection
Connection Speed
IP Address

Plugin Information
Adobe Flash
(Download Now)
Adobe Shockwave Director
(Download Now)
Adobe Acrobat
(Download Now)

Minimum Requirements

Requirements Minimum Recommended
Processor 1.2GHz Intel® Pentium® 1.8GHz Intel® Pentium®
RAM 256 MB 1 GB
Internet Connection 256 Kbps 10 Mbps
Sound/Speakers 16-bit 16-bit
Video/Display 65,000 Color 65,000 Color
Operating System Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, iOS 7.1.1 Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, iOS 7.1.1
Browser IE 10 and 11;
FireFox 19.0.2; Chrome 26.0.1410.43;
Edge 13.10586
IE 10 and 11; FireFox 19.0.2; Chrome 26.0.1410.43;
Edge 13.10586

Need Assistance?

If you are still experiencing problems after checking that your system meets our requirement, complete the form below to get assistance from our Product Support Team.